Why this is one of the biggest mistakes on your website
One of the biggest mistakes you can make with your copy is trying to sound like someone else.
Stop it!
Some business owners are worried about sounding 'unprofessional' so they go overboard with sounding formal... meaning their copy ends up sounding stilted, boring and confusing.
If you own a business, then *newsflash* you're already professional (you don't need to shove it in your customers' faces).
People buy from people - being friendly and conversational is persuasive, so just be you. If you don't want to sound friendly and conversational what are you aiming for? Unfriendly and formal?
Here are some tips to sound less like the droning teacher from Ferris Bueller:
📝 Use contractions to sound more casual (or slang if it's appropriate)
📝 Don't use unnecessary long words ('use' is fine, don't bother with 'utilise'!)
📝 Use short sentences to make the copy snappy and easily readable
Do you need a hand with making your copy more friendly and less legal-document-level formal?
~ Natasha
(Your favourite creative copywriter) ✨