Get sales page copy that makes your ideal customers say, 'Damn, I NEED that!'

Know what you want to say but struggling to write it?

Are you spending too much time worrying about writing great copy that truly shows off your offer AND encourages sign-ups without being overwhelming? 

Forget wasting your precious time trying to DIY your sales page copy. 

You've got a workshop/course/membership you should be working on! 

Launches are stressful enough as it is, so let me take some of the pressure off by writing sales page copy that *really* speaks to your audience.

My basic sales page packages include:

- Thorough briefing questionnaire

- Briefing call to dig into your answers and fill gaps (roughly 45-60 mins)

- Questionnaire for you to send to your list so we can find out more about your audience

- Research (including voice of customer*)

- Insights presented in a succinct document (you can use that data across your marketing!)

- Bullet-point outline of the sales page for you to approve

- Powerfully persuasive copy in your brand voice

- Basic wireframing to help you visualise the page

- Two rounds of revisions (so you're 100% happy with the copy) 

- Proofreading

*Optional (but recommended!) extra...


What's the best way to connect with new customers?
Getting feedback from 
your previous ones!

I'll interview 3-5 of your clients to get their honest, unfiltered opinions in their own words. With all that juicy info, I'll craft compelling copy backed by *real* feedback.

When your new customers see themselves reflected in your copy, they'll feel so much more connected to you.

Sales pages are so much more than 'just words on a page'. 

The most effective sales pages are backed by strategy - from the researched, customer-focused words to the organised layout that seamlessly takes your potential customers through everything they need to know. 

Let's get your audience as excited (and ready) for your launch as humanly possible!


"The workshop you wrote the sales page for was more expensive to join and I got a lot more sign-ups!"

Last year, Ellie (founder of Flourish Textile Art Hub) got 78 sign-ups for her textile art workshop. This year, she wanted to launch a very similar workshop at a higher price but was worried her customers wouldn't pay the new cost. 

So, she hired me to write the sales page! Using a range of strategic, persuasive techniques (nothing sleazy, just good ol' methods like voice of customer research and a tried-and-tested layout to guide customers through the information), Ellie got...

102 sign-ups!


(And this workshop was more expensive, so she made even more money!)


'Thank you for joining the waitlist' sequence to initially warm up your audience

✨ Pre-launch/'wake up the waitlist' sequence to get your audience more excited

✨ Launch email sequence (while the sales page is live) to let customers know they can buy!

✨ Thank you page to build connections and show how grateful you are that they bought from you

✨ Post-purchase email sequence to get customers buzzing for your workshop/course to start!

"The copy is always the right balance of fun and informative."

"I used to spend so much of my time worrying about writing great copy for my creative courses because I knew what I wanted to say, but didn't know how to write it. It's so much easier to talk it through with Natasha, and I always feel confident she'll do the job well! Natasha has a great understanding of the creative world and can easily speak the language that works for creatives.  She writes in a way that's light and fun because the workshops are! The copy is always the right balance of fun and informative. Natasha is easy to work with, creates great copy and gets it right first time!"

Ellie Hipkin, founder of Flourish Textile Art Hub

What's so special about sales pages?

Sales pages are...

✅ A one-time investment you can use every single time you launch the same workshop or course. And if your offer changes slightly, you (or I) can just tweak the copy slightly, not start from scratch

Packed with strategy, research, sales psychology and objection handling. So while your sales page is busy giving your audience everything they need to know (and being super persuasive), you can get on with other important stuff! 

✅ The perfect one-stop shop to guide your marketing for your upcoming launch. You've got all the info in one persuasive place, so you can take snippets and turn them into Instagram posts, Stories and emails to get your audience excited!

Like shells on a beach, each sales page I write is one of a kind. So the investment is too. 

The price will depend on a few things - like the cost of what you're selling. (Because the more expensive the product or service, the more copy you're potentially going to need.)

Ready for a fun, professionally written sales page backed by research?


I have existing sales page copy... will I still get a full rewrite?

Yes! Even if you have existing sales page copy, I'll still be writing from scratch.

Trying to squeeze the juicy new stuff into what's already there is like trying to come up with a new picture from existing puzzle pieces. (It doesn't really work.)

Writing copy from scratch uses my expertise to come up with a better picture from new puzzle pieces. (Any existing copy will become part of my reference material).