Translating you into copy that connects with your ideal people

You know your website is one of the most important parts of your business, but writing the copy is beyond OVERWHELMING.

You're overflowing with creative ideas but you need help pinning down your website copy. Writing might not be your favourite thing, or maybe you just have no idea where to start.

Whether you want to update your existing copy or start from scratch, writing your website copy can be frustrating. And annoying. And messy.

(Like an ice cream on a hot day that's melting quicker than you can possibly eat it and you end up as a sticky mess crying on the floor... I've been there!)

Maybe you're struggling with...

👎🏻 REALLY speaking to your audience so they read each page and say, 'DAMN, I need that!'

👎🏻 Showing off your personality so your people get a glimpse of the person behind the screen (and start to know, like and trust you).

👎🏻 Being persuasive and strategic *without* being overly salesy and relying on ol' robotic-sounding ChatGPT (beep boop).

As a creative business owner, you deserve copy you're proud of. Copy that complements your high-quality products and services.

Copy that lights up your audience the way your business lights you up.

My website copy packages include:

- Thorough briefing questionnaire

- Briefing call to dig into your answers to fill any gaps (roughly 45-60 mins)

- Research (including voice of customer*)

- Bullet-point outline of each page for you to approve

- Powerfully persuasive copy in your brand voice
(roughly 500 words per page)

- Basic wireframing to help you visualise each page

- Two rounds of revisions (so you're 100% happy with the copy)

- Proofreading

*Optional (but recommended!) extra...


What's the best way to connect with new customers?
Getting feedback from 
your previous ones!

I'll interview 3-5 of your clients to get their honest, unfiltered opinions in their own words. With all that juicy info, I'll craft compelling copy backed by *real* feedback.

When your new customers see themselves reflected in your copy, they'll feel so much more connected to you.

"I knew I would be thrilled with my new website copy, and no surprise, I was!"

"I've hired Natasha for copy projects in the past, so when I decided to update my website, she was immediately who I thought ofNatasha is not only a great copywriter, but you can tell she's genuinely excited to work with you. She nails my voice every time and is just as happy as I am about my ridiculous pun ideas! The same day I got the final version back, I immediately ran to my website and began plugging it in. I know that this new copy will not only appeal and attract the type of people I'm looking to work with, but it will show off my personality, so people get a glimpse of the gal behind the website!"

Branda Villacob, founder of The Relevant Collective

Wondering if we'd work well together?

I love working with alllll kinds of creative business owners. You know, fun people like graphic designers, textile artists, other copywriters, florists, candle makers, wedding planners and illustrators. (Aka anyone creative!)

If you wanna be my client, you gotta get with my criteria:

✅ You're a creative business owner who cares about people, animals and the environment. (You don't have to be a saint, you just have to not be actively doing any damage!)

✅ You're fun, friendly and easy-going (who wants to work with someone dull, unkind and hard to work with? 😉)

✅ You trust my ideas and suggestions (because they come from experience and training!).


Translating you into copy that connects with your ideal people

As a naturally inquisitive (aka nosy) copywriter and strategist, I take the time to truly understand you and your business.

What you're all about. The things that make you who you are. Your way of speaking (or how you want to sound).

Because your customers are buying YOU as much as they're buying your products and services. 

I then use proven copywriting frameworks, sales psychology techniques and customer research methods, to translate you into copy that connects with your ideal people and proves you're the one that they want.

Because when potential customers get to know, like and trust you, browsers turn into buyers.

Copy that *truly* represents you
And connects with your people

"Natasha was able to understand my feelings, my way of speaking and approach with clients and she translated all of this into copy that truly represents me 100%."

Alessia, founder of Alessia Garbarino Graphics

"I am thrilled with the copy, which I know will help my business with customer engagement - and I am already planning our next project! I am so pleased I found Natasha and can wholeheartedly recommend her."

Jodie, founder of Xuxa Jewellery

"I know that this new copy will not only appeal and attract the type of people I'm looking to work with, but it will show off my personality, so people get a glimpse of the gal behind the website!"

Branda, founder of The Relevant Collective

"I am profoundly deaf, with BSL being my first language, so I struggle to get my points across. Natasha really took her time understanding where I am coming from and translated it onto my website."

Katrina, founder of Katrina Sophia

Want copy from scratch or refreshing existing copy?

Either way, it's a rewrite

Even if you have existing website copy, you'll still get brand-new copy. Rewriting what's already there is like trying to come up with a new picture from existing puzzle pieces. (It doesn't really work.) 

Writing copy from scratch uses my expertise to come up with a BETTER picture from new puzzle pieces.

So, instead of trying to cram the pieces together (and making a weird picture that doesn't quite look right) any existing copy will become part of my reference material.



Choose from...


Like a vanilla ice cream with a flake, this package is the classic. It's simple, covers the basics and does the job.

🍦 Up to 4 website pages

🍦 Investment from £1,270


Want a couple of extra scoops? Come on down! This package is perfect if you need a few more tasty pages.

🍨 5-8 website pages

🍨 Investment from £1,495


You want extra scoops, toppings, sauce, the works. You're looking for a website that does everything - including blogs. 

🍒 Your choice of website pages

🍒 2 blog posts

🍒 Investment from £1,795

"Natasha was able to understand my feelings, my way of speaking and approach with clients and she translated all of this into copy that truly represents me 100%.

"I contacted Natasha because I was in the process of restructuring my design business, realigning with myself and reconnecting with my community and I knew that copywriting was the tool that would help me succeed in all of this. I knew I could count on Natasha! We knew each other for some time on social media and she is super talented, caring and sweet so I went into the project completely relaxed and confident this was going to be a success! It was the best decision ever and I can finally say my website will feel COMPLETE for the first time! Immensely grateful for all you did Natasha."

Alessia Garbarino, founder of Alessia Garbarino Graphics

Need category descriptions too?

No problem! You can have them as their own package or as an add-on to your website copy package.

"Natasha really took the time understanding where I am coming from and translated it onto my website.

"I asked Natasha to update my website copy because we share similar values. I am absolutely thrilled with my new website copy and category descriptions because they are much more fun to read. Just as I asked, my new copy is now more engaging and passionate, with a little bit of humour thrown inI am profoundly deaf, with BSL being my first language, so I struggle to get my points across. Natasha really took the time understanding where I am coming from and translated it onto my website. I had a lovely experience working with Natasha, she was quick to respond to my emails and stuck with our schedule. She was even willing to help when I had more questions or needed additional help, so I felt really heard and involved in the project despite the fact that she did most of the work! I enjoyed the briefing questionnaire before we started the project. Some of the questions were difficult and really made me dig deeper within my business, which was eye-opening!"

Katrina Sophia, founder of Katrina Sophia

Let's chat about your new website!

You know you're too close to your business to see what customers need to know. You know you're playing it safe with copy that's not as sparkly as you are.

You know you need a creative copywriter to get the job done.

It's me, hi! I'm the *solution* it's me.


I have existing website copy... will I still get a full rewrite?

Yes! Even if you have existing website copy, I'll still be writing from scratch.

Trying to squeeze the juicy new stuff into what's already there is like trying to come up with a new picture from existing puzzle pieces. (It doesn't really work.)

Writing copy from scratch uses my expertise to come up with a better picture from new puzzle pieces. (Any existing copy will become part of my reference material).